The Full Course offered separately on this portal is a self-enabling and self-empowering training programme that imparts 15+ select Knowledge and Skill Sets which are critical to deliver Oustanding Performance. The concepts and tools of TRP, Meeting Jockey, The Complete Manager, HRCI and Riyaaz will train you, enable you to consistently deliver Quality Performance.

Hi, I’m Ajoy Basu

By Education, I am a Commerce Graduate, a Professional Accountant and Chartered Secretary. I am based in Mumbai, India. Teaching, Training and Mentoring have been my passion for more than 3 decades. TRP stands for Translation From Resource to Performance.

TRP reflects my deep learning, empirically derived from my journey of life and over three decades of professional experience. It is about what goes into making an Extraordinary Performer and how you can systematically become someone exceptional by following the right blueprint. TRP beckons to take you to a different orbit of Performance.

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